Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend update. . .

Change of plans on the Hillary front. . . . Looks like she is actually seeing the reality that she may loose this now. She is looking for more debates with Obama and changing up her campaign team. Both of these are BIG red flags that she may be in trouble. Give that she know much more than we do so far on her campaign and what the polls are telling her this may be the beginning of the end of Hillary if we are lucky.

Obama has all the momentum now, and none of the baggage that Hillary would bring to the fall elections. I think he may actually pull this off if the Clinton machine can’t buy off enough of the super delegates to insure a Clinton win. Even if they can, this may be the proof that she can’t win the White House because of the strong feelings she brings up in many voters. Not that I want to see a Liberal in the White House but I would rather Obama than Clinton so I can hold out a little hope that we can get through it. I know what Clinton will do, another 4 years of weakening this country like Bill did. . . Obama? McCain? Probably the same but we can hope not. Still, it would be nice to see Hillary loose, and that I hope would end her push for the White House for good. . .

Speaking of McCain, President Bush says he is a conservative. . . . Guess that just proves that Bush really is that dumb. Not that he is a conservative himself but to call McCain conservative if you know his record is just plane ignoring the facts.

I know Kerry would have been a disaster if he won last time but a small part of me wonders if it still may have been better than allowing Bush to attack our Constitutional rights the way he has. Had Kerry won and we had the ensuing melt down the liberals would have brought on us maybe, just maybe the Republicans would have remembered that they are supposed to be the conservative ones that want low taxes, and to protect the Constitution. . . Maybe we would have had a real Conservative to vote for this time. . . . oh well.

Guess we just get to hope Huckabee does not give the Liberal Democrats the election and that the conservative side of the Republican party can rebuild itself in time for 2012. . . . they will have a lot of damage to undo by then no matter who wins. Man I wish we had a good viable third party that respected the Constitution I could get behind.

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