Friday, February 8, 2008

Gun Free zones claim more victims

Well the latest shooting in a gun free zone has claimed five victims last I heard.

And you know what? Next time they tell you the cops will keep you safe in the gun free zone know this. . . the cops were the first ones the nut shot. Theres a surprise. They do stand out as the ones who will defend the people so you get them first then you can knock off whoever you want which is just what he did.

An armed populous with the ability to defened themselves and support the police when needed is necessary for a safe and secure state. Too bad the peace/anti-gun nuts have a mental problem that seems to prevent them from understanding that a criminal will not follow the law by definition. . . . Guess you have to be short on IQ or wisdom or maybe just no grasp of the obvious to be a liberal. . .


Unknown said...

I think you meant to spell defend, not defined. ..

JD said...

Oops, thats what I get for posting quickly. . . . fixed