Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Armed Toll Collectors

OK, I don’t know why they need guns, Heck, I don’t know why they are still employed since the Mass Pike was paid off years ago so it should not be a toll rode. . . but anyway the Boss over at the Pike has suddenly decided that the 16 or so toll takers that have guns need to turn them in. I heard a quote this morning on the way in that he fears a wild west shoot out. . . Why is it gun grabbers always say this is going to happen every time civilians are armed, but it never happens. . . . Anyway this seems stupid to me. They have been carrying the guns for a while now (decades they say in the story), this is not new and there have been no problems. Why would they suddenly snap and start shooting now as opposed to yesterday or last week??

This is bull. All we have here is another hoplophobe spreading around his fear and insecurities so he can get some press. He fears something so we all need to give up our rights to make him feel good. Theses people need to deal with the world as it is, not as they believe it is in their delusional minds. . .

Now if he is taking them away so no none gets hurt as he fires them all and finally removes the tolls from the pike I may back him. . . even if he is acting on fear, not facts, and in the process trashing the Constitutional rights of these people. The union is going to fight him and for once I am with the union, I hope they win.

Here is the story in the Boston Herald

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