Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Clinton and Obama and McCain Oh My. . . .

Things keep rolling on for Obama. Looks like he will take all three states that were up for grabs yesterday. I have to admit I have mixed feeling about this. I fear what a socialist like Hillary would do to this country more than just about anything else in this election but Obama does not look to be any better. Whereas Hillary and her welfare state is sure to doom our economy with higher taxes and more jobs getting shipped overseas along with destruction of our already sick health care system by overloading it at least she has a plan. Obama is doing more than just quoting Deval Patrick, he is running the same campaign just on a larger scale. Obama is all talks about all the great new social planning he has in line, and does not talk at all about how he is going to do this or more importantly how he is going to pay for it. You would think folks would worry about this but they are so desperate for good news that they totally ignore these glaring problems with his plans. It worked for Patrick and I fear it will work for Obama too. He will be in the White House before folks realize they sold their soul (and all their income) to the government for all those neat plans he had.

On the flip side McCain is still going strong and winning but Huckabee is still getting votes. I think this is the same delusional thinking that is helping Obama, just on the Republican side. They want a conservative so bad they will grab for anything even if it is an illusion. The big difference is Huckabee can’t win the election and I can’t even see him getting nominated. I have said before I don’t like McCain, he is a Democrat but he is better than Huckabee who plain scares me with all his God talk and wanting to update our Constitution to fit Gods words. . . that alone makes him unfit to be anywhere near the Oval Office.

When all is said and done I think Obama will get the nomination at least by the popular vote – what games the super delegates will play remains to be seen. If they put Hillary in then I think that is good for the Republicans as the Dems will probably split over the infighting the Clintons will bring and the hatred folks have of Hillary will also work to put McCain in the White House. If Obama gets the nod I am not sure McCain can win. Folks are too blinded by all the fancy talk to see that there is no substance behind it. I don’t think it is a done deal but McCain will have a harder fight against Obama no question. I will go vote for the least liberal of the bunch, McCain, and pray that we can hold our economy and country together for another four years of bad ideas. . . . Maybe we can get someone with a brain to run next time. . . ..

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