Monday, February 18, 2008

Export Laws worry about everything but exporting our jobs

I went to an interesting training class last week. All about how to export stuff correctly. Seems we have put all sorts of nice laws and rules out there to make sure we don’t send the wrong stuff to the wrong place and end up giving away our edge in technology or giving some nut case a way to make WMD. . . .

As I was thinking about this after the class I had to laugh at it a little bit. We are spending all this time and money on controlling who sends stuff where, and what we allow foreigners to do and see when visiting a company here. Then it hit me. . . if we spent half as much energy keeping JOBS here in the good old USA then we really would not have near as much to worry about. Seems a bit like closing the front door but leaving the back of the barn wide open. . . then wondering where all the horses went. . . ..

I hope we get it some day soon, before it is too late that as we let all these jobs go overseas they won’t need to come here to get out tech, know how, and products, they will just build them there and put us out of business

I hope the next administration can see the damage done by Clinton with NAFTA and such BS and start to correct it. We need to get out of this stuff and start treating our jobs like part of our national interests for a change because well THEY ARE!

Folks can’t earn a decent living in the north east, and I doubt it is much better in other parts of the country. We have outsourced too much an allowed our greatest strength to be sent overseas. Pay is down, you need a college degree to do a basic job today that never would have required a degree 20 years ago, and today what you know means little compared to the degrees you can claim. This is how you get the wrong folks in charge. Companies live for the bottom line which is as it should be, but what ever happened to pride in the USA? Years ago a company was proud to say it built stuff here. . . Now they ship it out to the cheapest bidder and ignore the cost of shipping, loss of quality, and loss of control over their own product all in the name of looking good for Wall Street. Gotta keep those stock number up even if it means killing the company in the long run.

I think that if the American Consumer would demand the quality of goods they use to you would see a lot of this stuff come back to the US where we can build it right. We are so caught up in the idea that it is cheap so we can just toss it when it fails and get a new one. We are destroying our economy and our environment with this mentality and it will come back to haunt us. If we are going to turn this around it will take all of us to do it, and it will hurt a bit to do it. We need to grow up, suck it up, and deal with it now while we still can.

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