Monday, February 11, 2008

The Bill of Rights

Well, the news media is again posting a story on the Supreme Court hearing the arguments about the Second Amendment. Can someone tell my how these supposedly educated journalists can keep telling folks that the Constitution give us rights? In particular that the Bill of Rights gives us the rights listed in the first ten amendments?

Folks, the Bill of Rights does not grant A THING! Zip, Zero Zilch. . . . . . The Bill of Rights is RECOGNITION of our “Natural/GOD/Nature/” given rights that you were BORN WITH. No one can take them away or give them to you. As a living intelligent person you have rights, to speak, to defend yourself, to not incriminate yourself, and in general to not get abused by the government. All of this is spelled out in the first ten amendments – our Bill of Rights. It is not granting them, it is saying “hey, you have these rights and the government acknowledges that you do and that you have them by being a person”.

Of course this same argument gets me PO’s when folks start arguing about how a foreigner in the US does not have these rights when they get busted for being illegal or other issues. Sorry, but you can’t have it both ways. Either we all have these rights, and they are not ours at some governmental whim, but ours for being a living breathing human, or the government grants them to us and can take them away when they want, and they only give them to US Citizens.

Personally I will take option A, they are “God” given rights to “man” for a number of reasons. Top that list with that is what the Founding Fathers meant, they didn’t trust a strong federal government, and back that up with the fact that if it is my right as a person than no government can take them away.

Think it over folks and stop giving into the idea you were granted rights by the Constitution. You weren’t. Your rights are yours for being a supposedly intelligent human! If you let the government think they granted them to you then they will soon think they can take them away too. . . . then where will we be?

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