Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mass Gas Tax

Our lovely Governor has started to say he likes the gas tax idea. . . . we still have not looked at what we can cut in this state but we need more taxes.

How much you ask? How about $0.20 per gallon additional tax?

Notice that they say this now while gas is cheap. If it goes back up to $4 a gallon we will still have an additional $0.20 we pay the state on top of it. We will not see this tax go down. I bet we will still have Mass Pike Tolls too even though they say this will let them drop the tolls. . . this state never gives back money. . . .

I really wish I could move out of this state. Problem is we are all stuck here. You can't sell your house for a decent price here as everyone is leaving and no one is moving in. . . wonder why? Trapped like a rat in MA. . . .

You know I am starting to hope the crazy Russian is right and the US breaks up into multiple countries. I will happily move to the most Red one we end up with. I would love to live somewhere where the Constitution actually means something . . . .

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