Friday, August 1, 2008

Google Goes Politics

Looks like Google has blocked all new posts to the blog waronguns. This is a ridicules attack on a blog for political reasons. Looks like the left has been working overtime to make Google think it is a spam blog. Go take a read, he has posted some notes that he got through but he is stuck for now.

Just look how the left handls thing, if they can't win with logic then the will find some other way to shut you down. . . .


s_baghaii said...

Or it could be a bunch of anti-gun people marked the blog as Spam, and it will come back once Google checks it out. But no it is much easier to blame the medium. Let us blame Ebay when someone uses it to rip someone off. Let us blame Craigslist when someone decides to meet someone in a Walmart parking lot and get robbed.

JD said...

the left, and the anti-gun folks but I repeat myself.

Google should check the sight then block it, not the other way around. What will really tell is how long it takes them to fix it when they are know to be left leaning themselves. . .

Borepatch said...

Google is evil.

But Insty posted that a bunch of sites were blocked as spam, including his wife's. Could this be another example?