Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guns are Magic

From a comment by JayG on lookingforlissa.wordpress.com: One might be tempted to think that it is the person, rather than the tool, who defines how the tool will be used. But our enlightened friends who believe in gun control know that’s wrong - they see the gun as the be-all, end-all evil.

Because once you admit that the gun is a chunk of metal and wood (or plastic, like the AR-15 you were shooting), it stops being a magic talisman capable of raining death and destruction and reverts to being a tool; an invention of man to be used by man against his fellow man.

I don’t know why it took so long to see this but after reading the quote from JayG above it popped into my head (what just popped in there Ray?) Guns are the new swords. . . complete with magical powers. . . .

Just think about it. Years ago swords were the weapon of choice of the nobility and in every story up to and including today the hero’s sword is often seen as magical or actually has some kind of magic power.

Well, take a bunch of folks that know nothing about guns, and show them what Hollywood thinks it can do and wham bam the thing is magic. Since the bad guys get all the press when using guns, and the good guys don’t folks see it as bad. In this politically correct world we can’t blame the person for his actions, he is misunderstood, it must be the gun that drove him to crime, not his bad choices in life. . .

Day in and day out the liberal media pounds us with images of guns on TV, in the movies and in the papers. What do they show? Well, according to the media folks (who don’t know much about guns) here are the facts on guns:

  1. They are seldom handled correctly
  2. They kill with one shot
  3. Only cops or other government people and bad guys have them
  4. They are powerful, only one hit can throw a person across the room
  5. Most fire in automatic mode
  6. You can spray an automatic and hit everyone in the room
  7. Average folks don’t have guns
  8. If the average guy does have a gun and tries to defend himself it usually just makes it worse.
  9. Only the uneducated want a gun (unless you are a cop or such)
  10. Look at how much fun the bad guys have spraying lead all over, they look possessed. . . .

They have been fed all these myths day in and day out to brainwash the masses as to how powerful a gun - any gun is. I think this has us putting the gun into the same position that we use to put the sword in. We also give it the same reverence and magical powers to the gun and the user of that gun that we use to give to the hero’s of old.

Without the real facts they can’t see the gun as just a tool - all the tools we see used every day are mild in comparison. They have nothing to base this false info from the media on to show the error of their ways. Peasants should not have guns as they are not skilled in there use and can’t be trusted with the awesome power they represent. Throw into the mix that the left has all but taken over our schools and teaches our kids that they need the government to take care of them. They have been taught that they can’t do anything without big brother watching them and keeping them safe. And don’t question big brother because he knows what is best. Only big brother should have guns since you don’t know what to do with them and you can‘t be trusted with one anyway.

Who do the masses see with guns ever day on the TV news. Gangs and bad guys who make the news shooting at cops and innocent folks and killing kids (Kids is usually a teenage gang banger that is old enough to know better but I digress ) in drive by shootings. Of course it is the guns fault, since the only good guys with guns that they see are the cops and we all know they get special training to know how to use them correctly. . . those gang folks didn’t get the training so the guns make them do evil since they don’t know how to resist right???

If we want to take away the image of the gun being magical then there is only one way to do it – education of the masses. We need folks to get use to the idea that normal people have guns and use them every day from everything from hunting and target shooting to defending themselves and their families. We need to keep out there pushing for folks to get the facts. Try to get editorials published in the papers, put out info any way you can to show that guns are owned by the average person and that is the way it should be. . . We need to slam the media every time they make folks victims, every time the media calls an 18 year old gang banger with a record a mile long a kid, every time the cops on the cop show tell folks “there’s nothing you can do, we will take care of you” we need to scream , God knows I do at the TV when I see that stuff. We need to get rid of the culture of victimhood and start to support those who take care of themselves in any form they do it.

Recently in MA a dad punched out an old guy he found touching his kids leg while his kid was in the bathroom at a super market. They guy reached under a bathroom stall divider to do it, this was no accident. . . The guy assaulting the kid was back at work the next day. The cops did not cuff him or drag him off when this was reported because they said they would have had to take dad too. Dad is now facing felony assault charges against him for protecting his kid! For the record the old guy is facing charges too but they have not said what prosecutors will do with it. You see here in MA (liberal land) you don’t get to defend yourself or your family, that is the cops job and you better not think you can do it too. . . When the Attorney General was hit on this in an inteview she said we are against folks self help. That is code for being against folks protecting themselves. You are not allowed to even think of being able to care for yourself, only the government can take care of you. . . .

We need to teach folks to accept the fact they are responsible for themselves and their families. That they can fight back against evil and bad folks that want to hurt them or their families. We need to vote in people that respect our rights and will get the state back on our side instead of the thugs.

Once folks can deal with that we can show guns used by normal folks are just another tool to protect themselves with. Then they will understand that guns will not turn them to evil - that there is no magic, the gun really is just a tool and it is the person holding it that makes all the difference.

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