Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama - you'r kidding right?

With everything that the Democrats are doing to destroy Sarah Palin I can't believe my eyes. . .

On CNN today - Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday accused Sen. John McCain's campaign of engaging in "lies" and "swift boat politics" in regard to his comment about "lipstick on a pig."

It seems our friend Obama does not like it when the shoe is on the other foot. Of course CNN is on his side so they play it up well but you can hear his whining about how he is getting picked on. This guy is a joke, all is fare as long as he is doing it. . . if it is being done to him it is wrong. He sounds like a small child on the playground complaining that life ain't fair and things didn't go his way. . . . Not someone I want running things.

If he can't take this heat, how can he hope to deal with the stress of running our country? He can't, he would see us out to the UN in a moment to cut his stress level. . . . .

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