Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bail Out Pork spelled ACORN

For those of you that think this bail out is a good thing. . . . Say HI to Democrat Voter FRAUD!

They have put into the bill that 20% of any return we get on our TRILLION dollar "investment" will go to a group called ACORN. This is a Democrat group that have been investigated by a number of states (and accused by them in court) for registering voters for the elections that don't exits (VOTER FRAUD folks). Example - In Washington state they registered 1800 new voters. . . . 1794 of them were fake. . . .yep, only SIX were real people. . . .A number of members have been brought up on charges from it too. . . .

More info on this HERE

Remember, if Obama wins, he probably cheated. . . . it's the Democrat/Socialist/Communist way

Update - More info HERE TOO

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