Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama Update

Obama says “Americans are basically decent people, they just get confused some times”. . .

He goes on to tell us that "confused" is listening to the wrong talk radio, and watch the wrong TV networks. . . I guess this goes with us clinging to God, religion and guns. . .

I wonder what he wants to do about it? Does he want to start to censor our TV and Radio? (that would be a Yes, see Fairness Doctrine). See, if he can censor our TV and Radio we won't get "confused" and listen to bad stuff. . . So remember that a vote for Obama is a vote for change (read censorship and more big government) That change will make sure we are only watching the right TV networks and right talk radio based on what Obama feels is right . . . . we don’t need that pesky free speech here!

I continue to hope we wake up and see this guy for what he really is – an elitists who thinks it would be best if we just let him do the thinking since we are all to dumb to think for ourselves. He is a Constitutional disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe we should start a group "Obama Supporters for Thought Control"


Go give this a read, it is great! note, beverage alert. . .


I saw this brought up in a comment and it hit me - Why does Obama refer to Americans as "they"? What is it? He is not American? If he really thought he was one of us wouldn't he say we? I find that very interesting, maybe it is just my Psych background but it seems telling that he does not talk about the American people as "we" - he is trying to be separate from the people. . . . Does he hate us that much or just think he is that much better than the rest of us???

I would love to know what this is about. . .

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