Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Obama - worst since the depression, maybe we are in a depression
McCain - economy is fundamentally sound

lets see, unemployment is 6% now, was 18% or more in depression. Wages are flat, but we have had only one quarter of shrinking, most have been growth quarters, even if it is slow. . .

Now things are tight, no question about that. We have cut back on a lot of stuff around my house but I don't think we are in a depression. I am very scared that if Obama gets in that his policy's of tax and spend will send us into a deep recession or depression if he gets in.

We need to change some polices in Washington and I think McCain and Palin are the ones to do this. I think we also need to face reality and stop handing out home loans to folks that can't afford them by having the government/tax payers (you and me) pay for them when they default. This don't work as the failure of Fanny May and Freddy Mac have shown.

I think things will hurt for a while as we learn our lesson about easy credit and get things back in order. There is no good way to do this that won't hurt. We should have sucked it up in the early 2000's when the tech bubble burst but we didn't so now we have to. We need to stop putting things off and pay the bills now so that we can get things back on track.

People that bought houses and boats and stuff they can't afford will get hurt, they will loose the house or the boat or will have to sell that extra stuff but that is what happens when you buy all they stuff on credit. It will hurt, no way around it.

If Obama gets in things will get worst. The more money the government hands out to try to fix this the worse it will get. . . . Remember folks, that money is not free, it is coming from you and me, out of our taxes. For every bail out they pass we will have higher taxes, more debt on our kids, and less money in our own pockets today and tomorrow to pay for it.

I want someone who knows how to say NO in the White House, someone who knows how to cut taxes, cut pay outs, and live in their means. . . Too bad the best we have is McCain because I don't think any current politician will really do what has to be done, they don't want to tell folks to suck it up and deal so we can fix things right. They also don't want to tell the welfare folks to get a job if you want a house, we won't pay for it or you any more. . . .

Ya, I know, that person will never get elected because folks' don't want to face facts but I can dream. . . Until then I will pray that Obama doesn't get in and finish us off. . .

And going by the folks calling into the radio station most say the economy is doing well and their companies are doing well this year or even gowning. The recession seems to be housing and banks only. . . at least those are the folks saying things are down. . .

What do you think? How is your company doing?


Anonymous said...

I want those radio callers who said the economy is doing well to check their 401k or IRA. They will see a different story. The stock market may take years to recover, if at all.

The fact is that if the GDP growth is near 0%, it's not a recession, but it's not sound either. For some cities and many folks it is a recession unfortunately.

You and I are lucky to work for a fundamentally sound company (as far as we can tell). But if our jobs go south, there isn't a lot of cushion to fall back on.

JD said...


I don't know about CA, but here in MA jobs aren't doing bad either. I have had a few call from folks looking to get me in for interviews. Some in Engineering rolls and some in Quality rolls but the jobs are out there. You need to have an education to get them I admit, if you don't have a degree things probably are worse off but still it is not as bad as the news makes it out to be here.

I just heard a quote that foreclosures are at 4%. That shocked me as they way they play it in the news I thought it was MUCH higher. Of course the big one in the news here was a lady that got booted when she didn't pay for a year, refused help in relocation, and it comes out that she probably never could afford the monthly payment but she took the loan anyway. . . hard to be sympathetic to those folks. . .

My 401 has been ok, not great but the market is actually up today. . . Stock market must not be viewed on a daily or weekly basis, it bounces too much, you need to look long term and that still looks good to me. . . .

Anonymous said...

CA is doing fine. There are plenty of jobs out there. But it is slowing down somewhat.

In the long term, the stock market will recover. But for those near retirement, it could be bad news. And for those who have invested outside of their retirement and need the money soon, it could be bad news too.

I watched the news and I see many folks out there who haven't been able to weather the storm.

But it's always good to have an optimist like you. :)