Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gotta love this from View from North Centeral Idaho

Quote below found HERE

Leftists assert some new-found rights and behave one way, while they disagree with other, well-established and clearly enumerated rights and behave in the opposite manner. Imagine if we were to take the hard-core "abortion rights" advocates' position regarding our second amendment rights:

Anyone who wants a gun gets the gun of their choice, on demand, with plenty of ammunition, at any time, anywhere in the Union, with no parental notification, paid for with taxpayer money, and no state or locale should be allowed to make any laws regarding guns or other weapons because it's a constitutional right and you can't mess with a constitutional right, ever, ever, no matter what, period. (hey, they're going to do it anyway, right? may as well give them quality guns and show them how to use them properly in a controlled environment)

Which way do you want it, lefties? Tell you what; I'm confident enough as a parent that I believe I can convince my daughter to do the right thing when it comes to controlling her sex life. You can have your way with abortion if we can have our way regarding the real Bill of Rights, including the second amendment (except we'll throw out the tax-payer funding bit, because that's just stupid as hell). Deal? And I don't want to ever hear, "If it saves the life of just one child..." We're on to you lefties. Knock it off.

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