Thursday, June 26, 2008

Something to think about

With the nomination of Supreme Court Judges probably the most important part of being POTUS and the fact that if the Dems had been in power instead of Bush we probably would have lost the Second Amendment of the Constitution - PART OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS today think of this.

The Liberals on the court are:

Breyer - 69 years old
Ginsburg - 75 years old
Souter - 68 years old
Stevens - 88 years old

The next president will get to replace one or more of them. If you want someone that reads and understand the Constitution then you want McCain to pick the next judge. At least we would have a chance of a good pick. If you want a judge that will make it up as he goes and not care about what the Founding Fathers were trying to do then go for Obama and get a commie on the court. . .

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