Monday, June 23, 2008

Obama already won

I guess there is no reason for an election, Obama already has his new POTUS seal done and it nicely shows how he will throw out the constitution for his feel good way of doing things. . . . Don't bother him with our rights, he will tell us what to think and how to think, and we will be happy. . .

Remember if you vote or speak out against him you are racist. . . . . ignore the facts of what he wants to do. . . you will be assimilated. . . resistance is futile. . .

Glad he got rid of the pesky E pluribus unum. . . "From Many One" kinda sounds like all those illegals and such have to become American. . . we don't want to make them do that we will become them instead after all they were nice enough to come here. . . I like "Together We Can" better anyway. . . helps us to forget all that old white guy constitutional stuff. . . . I just wonder who the WE is . . . I am sure I am not part of it since I follow the old Constitutional way of thinking . . .

Oh, and did anyone mention that it may be illegal to have this seal since it is a take off of the official POTUS seal? Not that Lord Obama cares about our petty laws and such. . . .

And lets not forget if he can get us all distracted with the new shiny seal then we won't ask him about any real issues that he has no answers for. . . .

I can see the press conference now " no comment, no comment, no answer, hey folks look, shiny trinket, go fetch. . . no more questions thanks for coming. . .."


Anonymous said...

Look at the alternative. McCain has zero understanding of how economics work. That's scary.

Actually he said so himself to the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe:

"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should," McCain said. "I've got Greenspan's book."

Not a good thing to say when you're running for POTUS.

JD said...

McCain may not know economics but at least he knows what he does not know. . . and can get good advisers to help. Obama doesn't know what he doesn't know and has far less experience than McCain. If I have to pick the lesser of two evils that is McCain. I don't think the country can survive Obama and all his new taxes or any of his other socialist plans.

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting about inflation which is equivalent to a hidden tax. We are at a historic rate of ~4%. How does inflation happen? Huge government spending, like what W Bush is doing (and McCain plans on continuing), can cause this to happen. The expenditure is borrowed from the American people by selling government bonds. This increases the supply of money and lowers the value of each American dollar in the form of inflation.

Look at the inflation data for the past several years, especially the last year. We've all been paying higher taxes!

JD said...

Trust me I am not forgetting about inflation, or the way the gas prices or flooding will raise prices too.

I still think that what this guy will cost us in freedoms, socialist programs like health care, more big government and taxes and safety will make 4% inflation look like a walk in the park.

I will take 4% over loss of the bill of rights any day. . .

Anonymous said...

There's one major difference between taxes and inflation. Inflation is compounded like your salary raises. So it's larger than 4% average over time. Inflation also applies across the board like to the stock market, 401k, savings, money under the mattress, etc. So if your 401k is making less than 4%/yr, you're effectively losing money on your retirement. If your salary raise is less than 4%/yr, you're effectively getting a pay cut, and so forth...

Scary? Yes! BTW inflation is at 4.18% w/ no signs of slowing.