Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gitmo Detainees and the SCOTUS

I am not sure I really understand all the hype over the prisoners at Gitmo getting recognized as having rights is such a bad thing.

Hears why. We keep telling everyone the Bill of Rights does not grant us rights (such as to bear arms) but that it recognizes “God” given rights. Folks, we can’t have it both ways. If these rights we are so proud of having are not granted to us as citizens but give to us by God or Nature then everyone on this dirtball has them just by being born.

So, if we all have these rights, the government can’t take them since they do not grant them. . . so the folks at Gitmo have them too.

I don’t like it, I don’t think they are nice folks down there and I am sure they want to kill us but we can not have double standards. I also don’t like the Enemy Combatant slight of hand. If we are at war with them then they are prisoners of war, if not, then they are criminals for what they have done, either way we need to deal with them properly.

I also hear and agree that our soldiers do not fair treatment if they are taken prisoner. Although I hate the way our guys are treated we can not become them to deal with it. We can only work to bring them to justice for what they have done. Personally I feel if we become them and ignore our own laws then we have lost this fight already.

All of that being said I do have to admit that I think a lot of the bad press we have given ourselves for “torture” is pure BS. We need to be able to get info out of these folks to save lives. But come on folks, if they have been in jail for two years how much relevant info do you really think you can get out of them. . . . I think the intense interrogation or “torture” is only justified when they are first caught before those that send them know we have them and when the info we may gain is fresh and can do us some good. You start getting to six months, a year later and I don’t think they will know much we can really use.

Well that is my two cents on this mess, agree or not that is what I think.

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