Friday, June 27, 2008

Reactions - I don't get it. . . .

One reaction I ran across on the net when reading about yesterdays ruling on the Second Amendment –

"I just don't believe in guns. I don't like guns, period. And I don't think really anybody should be allowed to have guns," he said.

Sorry folks, but that is not how it works. It is a right. It is not and it should not be subject to whether your neighbor or the guy down the road agrees with it or not. Why don’t folks see this?
They have been trained by the liberals to not think on this issue. Let’s make a bit of a change and thing about what this guy said.

What would be the reaction of the average person if he said this - "I just don't believe in whites marrying blacks. I don't like whites marrying blacks, period. And I don't think really anybody should be allowed to have whites marrying blacks," he said.

Folks would go nuts and rightly so.

Or maybe this - "I just don't believe in free speech. I don't like free speech, period. And I don't think really anybody should be allowed to say anything they want to," he said.
Or maybe this - "I just don't believe in letting Irish folks live there. I don't like Irish folks, period. And I don't think really just anybody should be allowed to live anywhere they want to," he said.

Again folks would go nuts. . .

Why do we see how stupid these arguments are when dealing with race or free speech or a number of other issues but if it is guns all of a sudden folks don’t want to think, they want to FEEL and react to that. This is why it is in the Constitution so that it is protected and it is there for all to see so that someone can’t take it away because of what they FEEL.

This is a free country and if we want to stay that way we need to recognize that we can not take away someone’s rights to a gun, to where they can live, to who they can talk to or marry just because someone else FEELS that they don’t like you doing it. You don't have to like it, but you can't force them to your will either. They want us to accept this idea when it comes to gay marriage but not with guns? Sorry, all or nothing on this folks, if it works for you then it works for me too. . . . we are all equal remember (or at least that is what they tell me. . . .)

As long as you do your own thing and do not interfere with other folks doing their own thing in our pursuit of happiness then the government needs to get out of it and stay out. If you are not bothering anyone and someone tries to force their views or will on you that is why the Constitution spells out and recognizes (does not grant!) our basic rights in the Bill of Rights, and the second most important is the Second Amendment and our rights to defend ourselves.


keyman said...

Wow that little girl was lucky. I’ve got a daughter and would be crushed if anything happened to her. I’ve posted some handgun safety tips on this page u also have to worry about teen suicide get some trigger locks at least
Best regards Steven

keyman said...

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JD said...

I think this comment was meant to tie into this post