Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sad proof that gun laws don't work

From CNN: Gunshots bring abrupt end to frantic 911 call

This story says it all. Calf and other states that disarm law abiding citizens are not making us safer. The cops can not get to you fast enough to help you when you call 911 - you have to be able to defend yourself long enough for them to get there and back you up. The story say it all, I don't know how people can say disarming people like this poor woman is a good thing. . . .


Anonymous said...

That's horrible, poor woman. I would have hated to have taken that call, the poor dispatcher probably has nightmares. Criminals will get guns no matter what? So why try to take them from the hands of competent, concerned American citizens. ptooey on them.

JD said...

Ya, I figure that has to be a 911 operators worst nightmare, you are there but you can't do a damn thin about it. . . .
I hope they are helping him/her deal with it too. that has got to leave a mark. at least a cop facing a gunman is armed and there and can act. . . but over the phone has got to be the most helpless feeling I can think of.