Monday, March 17, 2008

House Info

OK, Vacation is over and I need to go back to work for a break. . . . we got a lot done this week thanks to my buddy Scott who was around to help with the move.

Most of the workshop has been moved. . . is it a bit of a mess in my basement right now but we will get it pulled together over the next week or two. There is still a few things to go through in Dad’s shop but I got say 90% of it done.

The pool table is now at my place, and set up. Even got in a few games at night on vacation! I also got one of Dad’s carved signs hung up in the new room.

The work on the house is going well, we have the front door done and I got the area painted so we can set up my wife’s office up there for her Pampered Chef business. I also got her some more storage as I moved my tools into the new shop area.

I am told that they will start work on the new windows in the living room this week so that will be good. Once that is done we are finished for now on the house!!! YAAA.

Nana has started to move in slowly. The movers will be bringing a bunch of stuff over today but she will still be living part time in the old house until it is sold. We still need to get her a TV and phone and Cable up there but all goes well. . .

I can’t believe it is almost done. I thought it would be harder to move everything, both physically and emotionally with Dad’s shop but it went rather well. It is kinda like having part of him still with us in the new house so that is good. Once I got the big stuff out of the shop things were better, it didn’t look like his shop as much and that make it a lot easier to deal with. It did hit me a little, but overall I think it went well.

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