Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama Speech

I have finally heard parts of Obamas speech. . . I love the way it is not his fault and he wants us to all ignore the fact that he has spent 20 years in the church of a racists. I personally don’t see how he can have spent 20 years there and say he does not agree with it. But he never answered that part of the issue. He also never answer why he stayed in the church instead of looking for a different one without the preaching of hate. He seems to have dodged things again. This guy continues to not answer any questions and folks in the media seem to be buying into it. . . . . He had a speech, where were the questions from the media? He didn’t take any because he can’t. And the media let him get away with it. . . Look at this HUGELY biased story from CNN - They are falling all over themselves to praise this guy without asking any of the hard questions on it. I love the last paragraphed –

For days pundits have pondered whether Sen. Obama could weather the controversy over Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racially polarizing comments. The question at this juncture is not whether the candidate will rise to the occasion, but rather, whether America will.

(edit based on comments - I point to CNN here but I do that as an example of what I am hearing from many "news" sources - radio, net, TV. . . All of them are helping with the whitewash of this issue instead of digging to get the facts that may be out there. . . they don't want to look - guess they are scarred of what they may find out about their golden boy)

They are not doing their job, they are part of his PR machine, not a news source any more. . . .

Between his preacher and his wife and their racial and un-American comments I just can’t buy into the idea that he has not bought into this preachers hate speech at least to some extent. If not, why did he stay in this church, and why is he not answering the questions raised but instead blaming everyone else for the problems, politicians, welfare, news commentators, and everything or everyone else but totally ignoring the facts that he is still in this church (why I want to know) – talk about passing the buck. . . . .

This speech should make folks think long and hard about how little we know about this guy and why is he hiding so much. What is he hiding? Why can’t he speak out against the hate speech of this preacher and others like him. . . .

If Hillary or McCain was the one with this problem instead of Obama they would already have dragged her through the mud and her political career would be long over. . . We need to stop giving this guy a pass on everything and start holding him accountable for his actions or lack of actions. . . . . look what was done to Ferraro when she spoke the truth about Obama, they pushed her under the bus and beat the heck out of her. . . . all for speaking her mind. Time to get rid of the double standard. If he can’t take the heat now he has no place being President of this country.


Anonymous said...

But the CNN story linked to is "commentary" and biased. It would be as would any op-ed or blog not straight reporting.

That doesn't meant that the CNN reporting isn't biased but you can't use commentary to establish that point.

JD said...

It may be commentary but I thought it had summed up rather well the way the news folks have been covering this story.

What I heard on the radio on the way into work along with read on the net and saw on TV last night backs up the idea that the news media is going to try to run with this to give him a pass on the racial issues thing

I wish the news folks would just give us facts for a change. . .