Thursday, April 9, 2009

Someone Explain to me. . .

How we got this gutless wonder as our POTUS?

Pirates - no action. . . we should have a SEAL team on that boat but no. . . and we will do nothing more to them.

F-22 next generation fighter. . . in a beautiful imitations of Carter and the B-1 program this fool is looking to cancel it. . . .

He is also looking to cut back on our military. . . the one thing keeping us safe. . .

He has got to have done something we can impeach him for. He should be up for Treason if we could. But the Main Stream Media will keep him safe from any investigation.

Top that off with Nancy now talking AWB and the White House saying no we don't want the fight. . . could it be that Palosi sees the end of her power in the next election and wants to push through all they can while Obama thinks he still has a chance at a second term? I don't think he or she has a prayer. . . of course if they do win in 2010 the USA as we know it and as our founders knew it is dead.


Anonymous said...

No argument about the SEALs.

But given that the F-35 is one-third the price of the F-22 doesn't it make sense to give the Air Force 1000 F-35As rather than only 333 F-22s?

JD said...

I would rather have the F22 with the stealth and a man in the loop. The 35 is not ready for prime time yet and is a plane trying to be everything to every one. I doubt it will do any of the jobs well.