Thursday, April 9, 2009


So Pirates take a US boat and the crew take it back, now it is all about the captain and how do we get him back. . . US Navy on the way.

And Obama - aptly named Zero is doing nothing. No threats, no retaliation. We need to slap them down hard for this or we are going to have more of it. . .

Germany is talking about putting Marines on all their ships. Seems the pirates tried to take a German Navy Oiler a few weeks back and guess what? NO GO since they had some Marines on board.

I say the time has come back for the old Q ship. . . . lets send in a bunch of cargo ships that are armed to the teeth but don't look it. Let them try to board the ship and blow them out of the water. Dead pirates don't cause anyone problems. . . .

I am also up for reducing those few parts of Somalia that are not in the stone age to dust, blow them back to the stone age. Since pirates need boats we should hit every port they have and destroy any boats or docking there. Limit where they can launch from and the few that survive we get with Q ships and Marines on other ships.

Folks, as long as you pay them to get stuff BACK this will not stop. You start to kill them all and it will stop. They don't understand anything else. . . .

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