Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirate #4

There has been a lot of talk about what to do with the pirate that lived. At first I have to admit I was all for shooting him and tossing him overboard and being done with it.

Now I think we need to keep him alive. He can buy his life by pointing out where we can find more pirates and then we can put all that nice technology we have to use blowing them up.

They now have the balls to threaten us for our actions. Thank Obama and his indecisiveness for that one. This should have been over days ago. I am sure Obama is all beat up over killing these savages. I don't care how old they are, they were old enough to attack a ship, they are old enough to pay the price for it.

So what do we do now? We need to slap them down and hard. Make sure they see there is no future in this. I am all for the total destruction of every port and boat or ship we can find in a Somali harbor or tied to a dock. . . If they can't find anything that floats they can't be a threat any more can they?

And for those of you who say we can't do this because of the need to get them humanitarian aid all I can say is too bad for them. The ship they took captive was delivering that aid and look what it got them. How many years has the world tried to help these savages and got nothing but kicked in the face for it.

Reality check folks. Some people don't want our help or our civilized ways. It is there country so let them live in it the way they want, fighting each other. As long as they don't spread the conflict to other countries or back on to the open sea then let them keep killing each other. It is not worth one American life to try to help them. Been there done that and they screwed us. Face it and move on. I am sure we can find other parts of our own country never mind the rest of the world that would be glad for the help and would not try to kill us for bringing it to them.

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