Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CNN, BS Again

Nice little story here on a kid that shot himself. They tell the story, and then because it does not happen very often they go on to tell you 3 kids a day die of accidents. . . not how many die from guns. .. . . nice little switch by CNN to make guns look bad.

Too bad statistics put more kids killed in tubs, cars, and may other ways than guns. But that does not fit the agenda does it?

Our media has lost it's way. They just can't report facts any more it seems


Greg said...

I would generally agree with you on the media, but here the article clearly refers to accidents with firearms, not just any accident: "three children per day, on average, died in accidental incidents". You're right about needing some context for these numbers, though.

JD said...

Here is what they said = 'The CDC says three children per day, on average, died in accidental incidents in the United States from 2000 to 2005, the last year data are available.'

I don't buy that 3 kids are killed every day due to gun accidents. They don't say gun in the CDC quote, and the anti gun folks tend to group in gang shootings and any firearm death for anyone under 19 if they can. Many are not really accidents but crime related. . .