Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is the Boston Globe Dying?

The nice people that publish the propaganda at the Boston Globe held a protest to try to stop the paper from closing. They are losing MILLIONS and the New York Times which owns them is sick of them loosing so much and says if the unions don't compromise then they will shut them down in May.

Some think this is a ploy by the NYT so the unions will give in. I am not so sure. The Globe has been here for years but it is not really a news paper any more. I have not gotten a daily paper from them in years. They went from reporting the news to pushing the left's agenda so now I only get the Sunday paper myself.

Why? Well I like the comics, my wife wants the ads and the rest is used to start the fireplace over the winter. The job section is OK when I was looking but not an issue now. . . .

So all I can say is you get what you deserve. You stopped reporting the news and became all about pushing politics. Why are you surprised that folks don't go to you for info any more? Oh Ya, you bunch of Liberals don't get it and think we all drink the same Kool Aid you do and want to read this crap. . . no, for news, I want FACTS, not editorials on who is right. Just FACTS.

You don't get that so I am not going to loose any sleep over you closing. You stop selling a product people want, you go out of business. . . . . no problems there

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