Friday, April 3, 2009

Shooting in New York

But how can THIS happen. It did, it is all over CNN. . . but NY is tough on guns, how can they do this. . . .

Oh ya, gun control only means you are disarmed when the bad guy shows up. . . .

So now we have 13 or so dead so that the left can feel good about gun control instead of dead bad guys because someone there had a gun to fight back. . . .

The gun control crowd should be ashamed of themselves. The should beg forgiveness from the families of those killed and injured there because it is as much their fault as the gunman's. They made sure folks can't fight back. . . .

What ever happened to their cries of "If it can save just one life it is worth it!"? Based on that we should be looking at gun control as a distant bad memory. . .

Heck, even Canada is looking to drop their gun registry after admitting it is a money sink that did not help them catch any bad guys. . . .

When will we learn. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the hoplophobes and anti-rights activists who have successfully disarmed New York's residents will not apologize... no, they will try and use this event as a springboard for even tighter restrictions and regulations.

Unfortunately, their kind knows no shame, no remorse, and no logic.