I am sorry, it feels like I am filling your inbox with
email but I don’t know how else to express my frustration with how gun control
is being handled and it just grows with each new news report.
I am a law abiding gun owner with a home, wife and three
kids. I have lived in this state all my
live but I feel like I am a second class citizen. I hold
a Masters degree and am employed. I have
to pass a background check every six years to renew my permit. I have to pass a check every time I purchase
a gun. My permit requires that I state
if I have been hospitalized for any mental illness. I am fingerprinted and that is sent to the
state and Fed. . .
Yet after all this I am treated like a criminal for
wanting to exercise my right to own a gun and I feel like Beacon Hill will keep
piling it on until I have the right but can’t use it because of the cost. I pay $100 for my permit every six years now they
want me to buy insurance? Why? I have never hurt anyone. How does this stop crime? Buy one gun a month to stop folks from buying
guns for the bad guys. . . Why? If I buy a gun with my clean record so I can
see it to someone else that is a straw purchase and already illegal on the Federal
Level – can’t we just enforce that law?
We currently can only get low capacity 10 round magazines
in our state but now they want us to go to seven round? Why?
Do you really think criminals will go to seven round mags? Neither do I.
The most basic and most popular standard .22 rifle the Remington 10-22
is a 10 round mag/10 shot will that now be illegal in the state?
Please – we need to look at passing mental health laws,
dealing with gang violence, and increasing the penalties for using ANY weapon
(not just guns) in a crime if we want to fix things. We need to fix our economy so kids have jobs
and don’t get into gangs – they need a future that they can see. . . Fixing these issues is a huge undertaking I
agree, and we all need to work on it. More
restrictions on lawful gun owners won’t do any of that.
We need to admit we already have some of the strictest
gun laws in the country and if we would just enforce them we would be
fine. We do not need new laws. The good guys follow the laws, the criminals
don’t. Why are we treated as criminals
when we follow the law?
I look forward to hearing from you and where you stand on
these new gun laws being proposed.
Thank you for your time
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