Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama on TV

In further proof that Obama has too much money and is buying the election he is on TV tonight for a half hour. On THREE networks plus a few cable stations. . . .

Remember, lie early and often, keep telling it to the people and eventually they will believe it. . . Put it on TV and they really believe it. . .

Guess it will be a DVD night at my place . . . .


Weer'd Beard said...

It's probably just a smoke screen for all those ACORN votes he had manufactured.

I won't lie, I'm terrified....

Anonymous said...

It was OK when Bush bought two elections (with the help of his brother and the far-right Supreme Court), but now that a Democratic candidate has more money you start crying about it. Your hypocrisy is showing.

We had eight years of an average-Joe, not-too-bright president. Let's try it with a smart one.

JD said...

Again with the gutless Anonymous post.

Obama is a fraud, is stealing the election through fraud, and if you had the IQ to understand our Constitution and history you would know how bad this is.

you will be the one crying when the taxes hit and you are on the street out of work because of Obama.

And Bush did not "buy" an election, he won fair. Not that Obama knows how to do that. . .

JD said...

Far right Supreme Court? are you kidding? if it was far right the Heller case would have been 9-0 in favor, not 5-4.

Dude, did you ever make it to school or did you just get through it while stoned? do some research will you?