Monday, October 6, 2008

Dow under 10000

Dow is now down 650 points and Bush is nice enough to say the Bail Out Bill is a start. . . .


A start? how much money you going to throw at this mess Mr. Pres? This is crazy. . . .

Remember, the money that Congress and the Pres are throwing at this mess comes out of your pay check and mine. . . .

And now they say it is spreading to other countries. . . what are they going to do? We supposed to bail them out too???

This is a joke, we need a do over so we can kill the bail out and let thing fail so we can start to fix it.


Stocks only down 369 points, which is good since it maxed out down 800 points so it is off the low but still under 10K. Looks like the bail out won't fix things since it is now a global issue. Why am I not surprised at this. . .

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