Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Carolyne Kennedy

This may even be worse than Dear Leader getting into the Whitehouse. Katie Couric is asking what do you think about someone questioning her (Kennedy's) qualifications for the Senate seat vacated by Hilary.

This is scary. The media was recently calling into question all the qualifications of Sara Palin, but now it is a problem if you question someone's qualification? Just because it is a Dem you question and not a Republican?

This shows how the media continues to fail at it's job and still does not see the problem with playing sides in our politics. They cry about losing ratings and readers and viewers and all that, then they pull this crap.

They are not questioning our thoughts about Kennedy, or her politics, but they are questioning what we think about people that question if she is qualified for the Senate. They continue to blow smoke for the Dems, try to hide their agenda, and cover for their lack of experience/qualifications for leadership of this country. The Main or Lame stream media does not get it and won't get it until the are all out of a job. . . .

Questioning the government is good. They even backed questioning the government as long as Bush was running things. Now that the Dems are in charge look at the switch. They don't want questions any more. . . Sorry. I don't care who is in charge. The government should always be questioned. The government does not have our best interest in mind, that is why the Founding Fathers put all the checks and balances in place that we are so quick to try to gut. . . . When will we learn. . .

The Founding Fathers said that which governs best governs least. . . oh how we have fallen

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