Friday, January 29, 2010

Socialism Does Not Work

For those of you who are Liberal or Progressive. . . .


California is failing, and now Massachusetts is going the same way. While the US economy has grown 5% the Mass economy is still shrinking and shedding jobs. . . .

You folks don't get it. Time and again it has been shown throughout history that Socialism does not work and won't work. You can not have the few pay all the bills for the many.

And now thanks to you all we are proving it again right here.

To save this state we need to get the liberals and progressives out of control. They don’t know what is going on, don’t know how to fix it, and can’t seem to live with the facts . . . . remember this in November and vote them out


Borepatch said...

Sigh. #1 Son gradulates from High School this spring, but #2 Son goes into High School next fall. We don't want to rip them up by the roots, and are trying to hold on until #2 Son graduates too.

Some days, this is hard. Today some friends told me to "move back to the warmth". On days where I wear 7 layers to walk the dogs, that's tempting enough. Then you post, and I'm tempted once again ...

You speak truth, brother. It makes me sad.

JD said...

Hey, if it was not for both Grandmas living in this area we would be long gone. I am sick of paying for the welfare state with taxes so high I can't save a cent for my own family. . . . paycheck to paycheck seems to be the Dem way but it ain't for me. . .