Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am sitting here watching TV on Haiti and all I can think is I wish I could go there and help dig. Then I think about all the things that they need down there and my first thought is “where are the US Marines?”
Think about it. You send down a carrier group and a few of the amphibious assaut ships full of Sea Bees and they could do much to fix things. The Navy and Maries could bring:
  • Clean water
  • Hospital beds
  • Heavy equipment and folks to run it
  • Helicopters to move stuff
  • Ospreys to move stuff
  • LCACs that can get stuff ashore without ports, just need a beach to land on.

This is the time for us to step up and be seen and be counted. We have what is needed, they are close to us, and we should do what is right. We should also make sure the world can see that we do while the UN talks. We can do much more than anyone else, let them know it by showing them!


Anonymous said...

Assuming that the Haitian government OK'd it, I'd be willing to bet they're on their way.

It takes a couple of days to get the ships loaded out with the supplies they'd need, spun up, manned up and underway and another couple of days to get them there.

I have no doubt that we'll be heavily involved very soon.

Anonymous said...

Of course, I should also say: assuming that the Commander in Chief isn't busy with a golf outing and has actually asked the Haitians if they want our help and issued the appropriate orders.

JD said...

I hope you are right. It will cost us money, but I think this is a great way to show the world we are not the evil they are told we are. And it is the right thing to do.