Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How do we get Martha Coakly to talk?

The latest Rasmussen Reports puts the race for the open Senate seat in Massachusetts down to a 9 point spread, with Martha leading.

Now Martha is using the normal old Ted Kennedy method of campaigning – she is staying away from the media and not talking much. . .

Why you ask?

Simple – she knows that as a liberal demarcate (a socialist) that her innate superiority to us common folk is not understood by the common folk. For some strange reason we don’t want the big government running our lives like she does. So, best to keep quiet and let the sheep just vote for the person with a D after their name like good little MA Droids. . .

Scott Brown on the other hand is a guy that wants a small conservative government with lower taxes and more freedom for the people, like the Founding Fathers wanted. He is the guy to vote for if you want change in DC. Lower taxes, more jobs, and a person that responds to his voters, not your usual DC scum. . . . He will help stop Obama from socializing America!

And that leads to the problems. We have about two weeks to get Martha to talk so the actual voters can see what she is. They need to see the REAL Martha -

 The one that let Catholic Pedophile Priests off with special deals with the church
  • The one that wanted to prosecute a dad that hit a pedophile that groped his kid in a supermarket bathroom – she then let the pedophile off on bail and he since disipeared
  • The Martha that is part of the MA business as usual political machine – High taxes, corruption, big government. . . . more of the same crap Obama has been pushing for a year now without doing any good fixing a damn thing.
So, how do we do it folks? For a special election where voter turnout is low, how do we defeat the Socialist agenda and get a conservative into that Senate seat? The Republican national party has given up on us. They should be pumping cash in to Scott Browns campaign to help defeat the Democrats here but they aren’t. So it is up to us. If we want to take our state back from the Socialist, then we need to show up and VOTE them out on the 19th folks!


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