Friday, April 10, 2015

Cops behaving Badly

What the hell happened to Protect and Serve?

This is what happens when you militarize the cops and teach them that they are on one side and the rest of us are on the other. . .

So far this week we have one facing murder charges for killing a guy who ran from him. . . what was he after him for?  He had a broken tail light and he possibly knew he owed child support. . .  last I checked neither of these was a violent crime or worth killing over.  Had you or I done it they would lock us up and toss the key.  Now we get to see if they get the same or not. . .

Next we have a bunch of the sheriffs finest going after a horse thief HERE.  So once they get him on the ground they kick and beat him. . .  when he was already face down in the dirt spread eagle. . .

To me the trifector is when you toss in the report on the Boston Marathon events and see how they back up the cops.  These cops tossed the Constitution, invaded peoples homes and treated them as criminals.  Pulling them out of their own homes at gunpoint and folks had no problem with it.  What Fourth amendment rights?  You don't need any rights. . . .

Our cops seem out of control.  Maybe instead of going after lawful gun owners we should be talking about disarming our cops, or at least taking away the military grade toys they have.  I like to think these stories are a few bad apples . . . . but more and more of these are coming out in the media, and more and more often.

What is happening to our country. . . I am shocked by how far we have gone and lost our way. . .

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