Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Media BS

Well, CNN is still trying to convince us all that we like Obama. . . See it HERE

Are his ratings high? ya, but dropping
Since he took office the DOW is down about 3K points
Bailouts have not and will not work as they drop the value of the dollar

The media has put too much work in getting him into office to let go but if you talk to voters, he is dropping in the polls. He only won by 4% after all the crap Bush screwed up. . . With what folks know today I don't think he would have a chance in hell of winning.

Obama is destroying the Economy and voters know it. I don't think he is doing any where as well as the media wants us to think in the polls of folks that vote and know what is going on. . .


Anonymous said...

Great, lets keep blaming Obama for mistakes he didn't cause. Give the man a break, he just got into office and he came in with a heavy burden, what would you do if you were in his shoes?

JD said...

Anon - I blame him because his actions so far have done nothing but cost the DOW 3K points and burden my kids and grand kids with debt while he de-values the dollar to pay off his voters for electing him. Bush was bad, he is worse. . .