Monday, March 30, 2009

File under Duh!

There is a nice Rasmussen report HERE that talks about how most people now think that DC is partisan. . . they think Obama is governing as a Democrat and Congress is even more Partisan than Obama.

Sorry, but what did you expect? Obama came in and has been spending like a drunken sailor and grabbing power for the government at a pace even George W Bush could only dream about.

Obama wants the government into everything - why would folks not like that idea? I wonder if that is why things are getting partisan in DC - you know, like the parties being polar opposites on how they want to do things so they don't get along.

The only down side is that the Republicans have not shown themselves to be any better than the Dems if they get into power. They yell and scream about taxes, spending, the deficit, and big government but they did not do that much better when in power. Although I have to admit Obama is doing his best to make they look good with his isane spending spree.

I think this will cost the Dems in the next election. . . I just don't believe that the Republicans have learned their lesson to go back to their roots and stay with small government and less spending. I hope they do but I don't know.

For now I am just happy I still have a job, and I can make ends meet even if it is not by much. I fear that Obama will put more taxes in place and quickly make it so that I can not make ends meet just because I have a job and he wants me to support more of is unemployed supporters. Get a job, and get the government out of my pay check.

We need to go back to the basics. The Federal Governments job is to control our military, deal with the outside world, and issues that arise between the states, that is it. I don't want them running my schools, paying out welfair to the masses, running Wall St. or any other businesses.

Let the states deal with the schools and the unemplyed, let businesses run themselves and the free market and lawyers will keep them in place. . . .and let the people live free like they are supposed to.


Anonymous said...

Obama came in and has been spending like a drunken sailor...

You know...that cliche really chaps my hide.

It is completely inaccurate in this context and is an insult to sailors from time immemorial.

When sailors go on a drunken binge and spend every penny they've earned in the past six months while bobbing around in the middle of the ocean, they don't spend other people's money like Obama is doing. They spend their own that they earned.

And, unlike the government, they generally have at least a good hangover, an STD, and maybe even a brand new tattoo that reads "vivacious squirrels" in Mandarin Chinese to show for their investment.

JD said...

Sailorcurt - I stand corrected. . . You got me. I apologize.

I am not really sure what to compare him to. . . . seems insulting to whomever I pick. . . .