Monday, December 10, 2007

Shootings again

OK, chalk another win up for the news media. . . we have another shooting in the news. . . Hey, done nothing your whole life but want to be famous anyway? Your our guy, just go shoot up someplace and we will have your name and face plastered up all over every TV and news paper around, everyone will know you. . . . . . Thanks Main Stream Media, you did it again. When are they going to learn that making these losers famous just gives other losers the idea to do the same thing. . . These people are sick and should not be give the press and fame they want for shooting up people, they should be shunned, name never to be spoken. If they know that no one will know who they were, that they won’t get the fame they want out of this it may just stop a few of them. . . as for the rest, stop disarming the victims and making it easy for the killers. . . .

And now for the facts they won’t want to pass on. . . it may have been the same shooter at both places. . . . and he was stopped by someone who was armed with a gun at his second stop. Hey, I guess it is true, if the good guys have a gun too the bad guys don’t get to kill everyone in the building and may even get stopped before they can do much if anything. . . but wait, that is not news. Thank God for an armed security guy at the second site who put an end to this before he could do much there to a church full of people.

No matter what the liberals say we are each responsible for our own self protection. Time we start to take that seriously. The live you save may not only be yours, but countless others.

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