Thursday, June 4, 2009

Strike Three (or is it higher?)

Seems another Speaker of the House for Massachusetts has been put under indictment for crooked dealing. . . . . he makes the third in a row (for those counting) to leave the post under indictments. . . . .

The funny part is 77% of respondents to a local paper poll say they are fed up with the games on Beacon Hill and that our reps there are basically not honest.

Too bad they will probably all get voted back in next time around no matter who they are or what they have done. . . .

Too bad there is NO Republican or third party here with any strength to run against them. . . too bad no other party will come forward and run for change. . .

Too bad if they did the sheep here would still vote in crooks back in. . . . we get what we deserve.

If not for family I would happily move out of this state. . . when the folks are gone I will. . . .

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