Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pissing away money

It seems Massachusetts is not alone at throwing away money it does not have. . . .

Obama is giving Zimbabwe $73 million.

Nice. He has spent us trillions more in debt, and now he throws away more money on this crap.


We need to get control of our government again. They need to be taught to stop spending our money like a drunken sailor. . . my apologia to the drunken sailor, at least the money he spends is his own to spend and not taken from me by taxes. . .

How we will get through three more years of this is beyond me. He seems determined to turn us into a third world country with a valueless currency.

We should be cutting, cutting, and more cutting. We don't have the cash. End of story. Reality time DC. No more foreign aid to anyone until you can balance the budget. If you can't pay for all the socialist crap you are forcing on us now, you sure as hell can't afford to support the rest of the world with my paycheck. I don't even want to think what you will do to the country if you get this Universal Health Care you want. Our health system does not work now thanks to all your laws and the insurance folks red tape. turning all this over to government bureaucracy without fixing the problems does not make it better folks. . . . You have no idea what you are doing in DC do you. . . .

More taxes, more spending, more money taken from the working folks, more families that can't make ends meet so you can support the welfare state. . . . .

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