Monday, June 22, 2009

Iran is still fighting to be Free

For once Obama seems to be doing the right thing. . . . through ignorance instead of planning most likely but still the right thing.

I am talking about Iran.  What can we possible say that will help?  Folks, you need to look at this from the middle east point of view and the religious nuts that run Iran.  As soon as we say anything officially backing the demonstrators we will be playing into their hands.  The first word we say will be taken as our involvement and our meddling in their affairs by the rulers.  It will give them the excuse to crack down harder, and to use us as the "Great Satan" to rally their side.  We would quickly turn this from an internal fight for freedom for Iran to a fight between Iran and the US.  We would gain nothing, and cost the freedom movement there everything.

As much as I hate to say it we need to stay out of this.  Yes it is better for us and the world if the protesters topple the religious government and put in a democracy.  I am always for helping people gain their freedom but in this case I think we help most by not officially doing anything that the government can use to justify the crackdown.  We have too much history and baggage on this one to get involved.

Once things are done, if the good guys win then we need to act quickly to insure they are stable and stay in power. . . but until the we need to keep out of it folks. 

Sure, support them on the net, on  your blogs, your web sites, twitter, and with your editorials, but don't support them with anything official that can be used against them.

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