Monday, November 4, 2013

Arm the TSA?

This makes me sick folks.  The nice folks at the TSA are not trained well enough to do their job now and you want to give them guns?  They have been shown time and again when tests are run to be unable to do their basic function of finding arms or weapons getting on to aircraft. . . not to mention theft is up when it comes to our baggage. . .

But enough of that.  This basic question, do we arm the TSA shows the lie of gun control and the liberal gun grabbers. . . .

Either gun free zones work, in which case the TSA does not need arms because no one will have a gun and they have nothing to defend themselves from. . .

Or we must admit that the gun free zones don’t work and the TSA needs to protect itself just like you and I need to and therefore we need to get rid of EVERY gun free zone we have because we now admit they don’t work. . . 

Even Interpol is starting to see the basic fact that an armed populous is a safe one.

So which is it?

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