Sunday, October 24, 2010

the monster strikes again

Well I was wondering what to do for the afternoon.  My son who is 3 decided that the fish needed some clumping kitty litter added to their tank. . . . along with a few blocks, and some toilet paper. . . . .

I am still amazed at how fast he can get into things. 

Took my oldest daughter and I a good hour or tow to save the fish, empty and clean the tank, and refill it.  I also managed to break the heater after burning a basket with it. . . I had pulled it out of the tank and put it in the basket and forgot to unplug it. . . . man do those get hot. . . .

So an expensive trip to the pet store and we have a new heater, some water cleaner and stuff to get the tank going again.  The fish have been moved back in and now I have to watch to make sure the ammonia level does not get too high as the tank gets re-established. . . .

My son is making up for everything my daughters did not do growing up. . . I am too old for this crap. . . .

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

When #2 Son was about that age, we had a "Whiskey Barrel" tank on our back deck in Georgia. Basically, it was a cut-off whiskey barrel with a plastic insert, filled with water, fish, and a bubbler.

Ever day, he watched his Mom sprinkle some powder on the top of the water. She told him she was feeding the fish.

Well, two can play at that. Except he found some tea that she'd left out. Hey, it was a powder, right? Except all the fish started swimming upside down ....

Before you know it, he'll be driving. Enjoy these days.