Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Tree Huggers are killing MA. . .

Back in 1996 they passed a law here in MA that got rid of all trapping in the state. . . . The tree huggers rejoiced at the win. . .

The state lost. Beavers and other animals that we use to hunt and trap here to keep them in check now ran wild and overpopulated. Damns caused streams to back up and flood land and basements.

And the Tree Huggers rejoiced. . .

Now we are starting to see a small bit of sanity return. .  .

Thanks to hunters and gun owners we are trying to get control of these animals again so they won't overpopulate and destroy land and homes.

You can read more about the bill on the GOAL site here

Lets hope this passes

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

JD, it's worse. The beaver ponds turned what used to be streams into "wetlands" (swamps) which are federally protected (thank you George Bush, Sr.).