Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New York Citys dead cop law

Once again NYC had gone and proven that the fools that make the laws there have no clue. The latest example that they spend too much time watching TV and not enough in the real world is a law they want that requires police to “shoot to wound”. What this means is they are required to shoot at an arm or leg when they draw their gun or they will be legally liable.  Que the victim lawsuits now. . . .

Sounds good right? If you answered yes then you don’t know anything about guns, or shooting.

First, right now a cop (or anyone trained to shoot) in a gun fight will shoot for the center of mass. They don’t do this to kill but to stop the threat. They also do this because it is the BIGGEST TARGET! Under the stress of a shoot out you will not be able to aim as well as you do at the range by a long shot. You can also look at the facts that in a shoot out most shots miss.

Now lets change the rules so you have to hit an arm or leg, you just shrunk the target by 50% or more. More shots miss. The hits don’t stop your attacker so he can still shoot you. The misses have to go someplace too – this translates into anyone or thing behind the target getting hit. More likely to have bystanders hit. . .

This is not Hollywood. You can’t shoot the gun out of the guys hand folks, not when he is moving around, and trying to shoot you with it.

All this dumb rule will do is get more dead cops and bystanders while making it safer for the bad guy. If it passes then the cops should quit and see how NYC does on it’s own. . . .

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