Looks like Obama and Congress are having a bit of a disagreement over Gitmo and where to put the detainees.
Before you say bring them to the US think of this. . . Europe is finding that the pirate in Somalia are looking to get brought there and asking to stay even in prison since it is better than living in Somalia. Also, what if they do get in the US and stay or escape? You now have some of the most dangerous folks around that hate us loose in the country.
No wonder no one in Congress wants them here. I know I would vote against anyone that put them in my back yard and I am sure others would too. Congress does not want to loose it's cushy job so they are all for keeping them out of the US. Obama likes them and wants them in the US to show he is a good guy. . . .
Looks like we are heading to the same stale mate we have in MA. Same party in charge of the Legislature and Governors office but they won't work together. Lets hope Obama will face the same grid lock soon and derail his socialist agenda. It is the best we can hope for until the mid term elections folks. . ..
Not to mention that the latest group of home-grown jihadists that got busted converted to radical Islam while in prison.
yep, ain't it great? We can't kill them fast enough over there and now they are growing here. . . Bet Obama will use it to grab more power too. . .
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