Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kagan is no friend to the Constitution

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan sidesteps Senator Tom Coburn's question of whether she believes Americans have a "fundamental, pre-existing" right to bear arms, choosing instead to say she would follow the law.

"To be honest with you, I don't have the view of what our natural rights are independent of the Constitution," she says.

"I'm taking about Elena Kagan. What do you believe? Are there inalienable rights?" Coburn presses.

"You should not want me to act, in any way, on the basis of such belief," she says. "My job as a justice... is to enforce the Constitution."

Folks, that is all I need to hear to know that she will not support our Constitution or the right to bear arms.  No surprise at all there we are exchanging on liberal nut for another I fear. . . .

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