Monday, February 22, 2010

Healthcare - not dead yet. .But we are. . .

Health Care, Obama is at it again. . .

He has a new plan, same as the old plan, but with some minor tweaks to fix the problems people complained about, like the free ride for Nebraska. . . and keeping the high end insurance free of extra taxes for the rich folks.

What does all this cost? $900+ BILLION over 10 years. Where does it come from? More taxes – which will hurt the economy folks. And this will cost the Dems dearly in November. Most now expect that they will lose control of the house and seats in the Senate.

And what about the majority of people that don’t want this big government take over? Well Obama says SCREW YOU. If they can’t get the votes then they will pull some procedural games and push it through.

All of this is being done by the guy that promised to listen to the people, and have an open administration, no more back room deals. . .. Ya right, I have a bridge to sell you if you fell for that one. . .

The Democrats have less than a year to push the country left and destroy it. . . Obama seems set to do just that. He won’t learn that people don’t want what he is selling, or he just doesn’t care.

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