Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Massachusetts goes over the edge

This tops it all
I thought Massachusetts had gone too far a year or so back when they suspended a kid from school for bringing in a spent blank cartridge a vet gave him after Memorial day. . . .
Well, not to be out done, Taunton MA has suspend a child for drawing a violent picture. . . . .
Here is the kicker. . . .
The teacher asked the kids to draw a picture of what Christmas was (or something like that).  the child drew a picture of a stick figure on a cross and said it was Christ on the cross. . . .
Parents were called, child suspended for violent drawing. . .  .
I wish I could say I was kidding but it was on the news this morning on the way to work.  The sheep here are really that nuts. . . .
Can't wait to see how this turns out.  I hope the teacher is ordered to grow a spine and not be such a wimp.  What happens if a child with a parent in the military draws their picture with a gun???  do we expel them???  IDIOTS. . .

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