Monday, October 5, 2009

Mass Madness

I can't believe I am reading this. . .

in the Boston Globe today, read it here

What it boils down to is this idiot is wasting money looking into how the state of Massachusetts and its businesses profited from SLAVERY. . . ..

yes, they have nothing better to do with the state in debt, the budget short, and jobs leaving the state.

And you know this paves the way for some other fool to want to pay reparations next.

Folks, this is BULL SHIT!

No one alive today was a slave
No one alive today owned a slave

Get over it, move on.

I will not pay anyone for something I did not do, my dad did not do, my grand dad did not do. . . . you get the point.

Hell, MA was the first or at lest one of the first states to outlaw slavery.

When will the liberals, sorry, progressives ever learn to stop living in the past and pissing away money they don't have on dumb ideas.

We need to vote all these fools out in 2010

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

I want reparations for my Great-great-great-grandfather, who had to go to Georgia with Sherman.

*Totally* keep him from the farm, for years.